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[C5535] Booting from UART

Guru 24520 points

Hi community member,

Please let me confirm the following question.


 According to the following application note, C5535 support the boot via UART.

In case of using the UART boot, does customer must use the "UartBoot.exe" which TI provide?

If they would like to use the MCU instead of PC, can C5535 support the boot from external MCU via UART?

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Best regards.


  • Hi Kaka-san,

    Yes C5535 supports boot from UART.

    UartBoot.exe is used to set the right Baudrate, select com port and sending the file from PC.

    C5535 can also perform UART boot from other external UART transmitter ( Non - PC ) but the following parameters has to be met.

    • The bootloader sets up to receive data using the following UART parameters: 8-bit data, odd-parity, 1 stop-bit, and 57 600 baud rate.
    • To reduce the probability of a receive error, the external transmitter should set up to use two stop-bits
    • Note that this setup may result in data receive errors if CLK_SEL is set to use CLKIN when CLKIN is 11.2896 MHz. The error rate may be reduced by the external device by adding additional time between frames (bytes).
    • Needs to support RTS & CTS.

    Hope this clarifies



  • Hi Vasanth,

    Thank you for your response.
    I will inform this information to my customer.

    Best regards.
  • IF RTS & CTS is not be supported , can C5535also perform UART boot from other external UART transmitter ?
  • Hi,

    As mentioned in the post, to perform UART boot from other external UART transmitter ( Non - PC ) the following requirement has to be met, and one of them is support of RTS, CTS for hardware flow control.

    • The bootloader sets up to receive data using the following UART parameters: 8-bit data, odd-parity, 1 stop-bit, and 57 600 baud rate.
    • To reduce the probability of a receive error, the external transmitter should set up to use two stop-bits
    • Note that this setup may result in data receive errors if CLK_SEL is set to use CLKIN when CLKIN is 11.2896 MHz. The error rate may be reduced by the external device by adding additional time between frames (bytes).
    • Needs to support RTS & CTS.

    Hope this answers.

