Recently i'm testing Security OMAP-L138 device. I had got some problems with DSP core to wake up ARM. And finally solved by referencing http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Boot_Images_for_OMAP-L137.But i still have some questions.In this page, there is a ARM core executable demo. For this demo,DSP side's UBL, how to understand the UBL for boot arm code:
static const unsigned int armBootArmCodeConst[] = {
0xEA000007, // vt0: B boot
0xEAFFFFFE, // vt0: Self loop
0xEAFFFFFE, // vt0: Self loop
0xEAFFFFFE, // vt0: Self loop
0xEAFFFFFE, // vt0: Self loop
0xEAFFFFFE, // vt0: Self loop
0xEAFFFFFE, // vt0: Self loop
0xEAFFFFFE, // vt0: Self loop
// jump:, DATA:
// boot:
0xE51F000C, // LDR R0, jump
0xE1A0F000, // MOV PC, R0
Why not directly write c_init00 function's address to memory at 0xFFFF 0000?
thank you!