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[FAQ] TI-API: v2 Backlog remittance advice API error codes and meanings (part 2 of 2)

Part Number: TI-API

What do the v2 remittance advice API error codes mean?

  • Code Type Reason Message
    TI-TXT-001 ERROR Missing payerNumber payerNumber cannot be null or empty.  Enter a valid payerNumber and resubmit the request.  If you are having issues, contact TI API Support
    TI-TXT-002 ERROR Invalid payerNumber payerNumber is invalid.  Verify the payerNumber and resubmit the request.  If you are having issues, contact TI API Support
    TI-TXT-004 ERROR Missing paymentAmount on Invoice paymentAmount is null or empty on invoice {Invoice}.  Enter a valid paymentAmount and resubmit the request. If you are having issues, contact TI API Support
    TI-TXT-005 INFO totalPaymentAmount does not equal paymentAmount line items total totalPaymentAmount does not equal paymentAmount line items total.  Correct paymentAmount values to equal totalPaymentamount.  If you are having issues, contact TI API Support
    TI-TXT-006 ERROR Missing financialDocumentNumber financialDocumentNumber(s) cannot be null or empty.  Enter a valid list of financialDocumentNumber(s) and resubmit the request.  If you are having issues, contact TI API Support
    TI-TXT-011 ERROR Error changing Payment Advice Error changing payment advice. If you are having issues, contact TI API Support
    TI-TXT-012013 INFO Remittance Advice <value> posted Remittance Advice <value> posted.
    TI-TXT-014 ERROR Not authorized to create Remittance Advice Not authorized to create Remittance advice. Verify the payerNumber and resubmit.  If you are having issues, contact TI API Support
    TI-TXT-015 INFO Overpayment by <value> received Overpayment by <value> received by Texas Instruments.  A representative will be in contact to resolve. Informational only.    
    TI-TXT-016 INFO  invalid financialDocumentNumber financialDocumentNumber is not Invalid.  Texas Instruments will attempt to manually match this remittance to the appropriate invoice. This may cause delays in processing. Informational only.  No action required.  
    TI-TXT-017 INFO Underpayment by <value> received Underpayment by <value> received by Texas Instruments.  A representative from Texas Instruments will be in contact to resolve. Informational only.  
    TI-TXT-023024 ERROR Invalid currencyCode currencyCode is invalid.  Verify the format of currencyCode and resubmit the request.  If you are having issues, contact TI API Support

    View v2 Backlog remittance API error codes and meanings (part 1 of 2)

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