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I would like to do the most basic thing, which is to create an Order from API, buying some part numbers from TI. There are 2 API's that would do it, the TI Store and Backlog.
What is the difference between the 2? sorry if the question sounds too trivial but there is no documentation for this answer, the purposes of the apis are not explained, and I asked TI managers, they said they don't know and practically it will take them weeks to find the answer to this question.
What API to use to order Part Numbers and what is the difference between the 2?
1) Based on the answer from point 2, how can we sends a date it needs the Item to reach to our company?
2) Based on the answer from point 2, if we want to change the order, add/remove items, change quantity, change date if exist, how can it be done?
3) Based on the answer from point 2, if we want to completely delete the order, how can it be done?
4) Which hours UTC do you usually work and available for support? Can you also be reached by phone?
Thanks, Lior
Hi Lior,
Both ordering channels are used for ordering parts, but, you must be approved to use the Backlog APIs. If you want to use the backlog APIs, please work with your sales representative to determine if this option is available to you.
Below is a description of the two ordering channels:
TI store: Real-time ordering. In some ways, it's just like purchasing product at a store - you select the product you want (parts), you submit your payment method, TI validates the payment method, and if valid, TI will process your order (high-level explanation). When you submit your order, TI will send you an immediate response with the status of your order (ex: processing, completed, etc...). You can also retrieve inventory and pricing information; receive notifications of available inventory and shipment tracking; and request invoices.
Backlog: TI allows the customer to place an order for future inventory requests (backlog). The customer is allowed to update their unprocessed order (within TI's guidelines), request invoices, submit remittance advice and the customer will receive shipment tracking notifications.
1) If you want to specify a specific "date" in advance, then you would need backlog APIs. If you are not approved for backlog ordering, you still have the ability to order in TI store, but, you would be responsible for ordering at the specified date that you want to receive the product.
2) The options you described are options that are available in the backlog API suite, but, understand that TI does have guidelines that may restrict some of the changes you may want to make. If you are approved, you will be provided with this information, and we can help you with other questions you may have.
3) TI store: Since ordering is real-time, cancelling an order is not possible.
Backlog: Depending on the order status (stage), this can do with the API or you can contact Customer operations ( )
4) We have a WW team; In the US, we respond to queries from 8 - 5, Mon - Fri and are in the Central time zone; We also have a team in Asia to help our regional customers.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Hi Faye, actually yes, I have additional questions.
1) How can the API be tested? usually with new implementation, the first attempts will fail due to errors in the development side so we need to test it few times, and when it will work we will need to try to create it again and again just to analyze the response, standard tests... but how can an order be created but treated as a "dummy" test order, and not a real order, like the Test Create Order API of the TI Store?
2) Assuming we will use the Backlog API. My client will not need the Push API and will have the most updated data without implementing it. Relating to same question in different thread from the last day, the answer to the same question that the user asked was not clear. Please confirm that without implementing Push API, the UAT/creation of orders/shipment details and any possible API will work ok, or do we need approval from TI contact? If we just need approval from TI contact, it is just approval in email and this will be enough to allow not implementing Push API? The TI contact needs to update someone in TI, and if so who? we will guide our TI contact with your response of how to allow not implementing Push API.
Thanks, Lior
Hi Lior,
Thanks for your follow up questions.
1) If you are approved for backlog ordering, we provide "test" endpoints so that your testing does not created production orders. You will be able to create, retrieve, change, and delete line items. What we do not allow testing for is to retrieve financial invoices and Advance ship notices, due to the size of the files. We do provide dummy files, so, if your credentials (key and secret) are valid, the API calls will work. Someone from TI will be assigned to work with you throughout your testing process. Once you are in production, please submit your questions to this forum (E2E) for assistance. Should you have any other questions that are not answered, please feel free to reach out to us.
2) For UAT, you can proceed to test without the implementation of the push APIs. Once you start submitting production orders, someone from TI will reach out to you with regards to revisiting the implementation of the push APIs, as this is the mechanism TI has chosen in which to keep customers aware of changes (price, etc...) or send notifications, when parts are shipped or change in estimated ship dates (since you would be ordering for future inventory).
Please let me know if you have any other questions or if I can close this thread. Thanks!
Best regards,
Hi Faye,
Call by phone for an hour would have been much quicker and better for both of us instead of corresponding back and forth for a week, but thanks for answering fast and in details.
I am a registered user with a client allowed to production, you can see in my profile, have all the details there, client id, checkout, etc. The last answers were a little general so I will ask more focused questions, please answer to them separately.
1) Quote: "we provide "test" endpoints". Ok, then please send the URL(s) of the test endpoints, especially the create backlog orders.
2) Quote: "Someone from TI will be assigned to work with you". Ok, send me the details of the TI worker that we can consult together.
3) Quote: "Once you start submitting production orders, someone from TI will reach out to you...". The answer from us to this TI will be that we do not need or want push API, we will just use other APIs to get the data, less real time but it is ok. In this situation, can we as client continue to create production orders and invite products without push API? Please start the answer with only one of the following words, Yes/No.
Thanks, Lior
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