when changing a quote number of a line item in a test order the API put a "00" in front of it.
What I sent:
{"order": {"orderNumber": "1021627149", "checkoutProfileId": "***", "endCustomerCompanyName": "***", "lineItems": [{"customerLineItemNumber": "2", "lineItemChangeIndicator": "U", "tiPartNumber": "TMS5701227CZWTQQ1", "quoteNumber": "26739698", "customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 13.906, "schedules": [{"requestedQuantity": "90", "requestedDeliveryDate": "2024-08-10"}]}]}}
The response:
{"orders": [{"orderNumber": "1021627149", "orderDate": "2024-03-15", "customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "111", "orderStatus": "OPEN", "endCustomerCompanyName": "***", "customerPurchaseOrderDate": "2024-03-15", "lineItems": [{"tiLineItemNumber": "000010", "tiPartNumber": "TMS5701227CZWTQQ1", "customerLineItemNumber": "2", "customerPartNumber": "34010462", "itemCheckoutProfileId": "***", "status": "Not Delivered", "cancellationWindowWeeks": 5, "rescheduleWindowWeeks": 5, "nonCancellableNonReturnable": False, "productType": "STD", "tiTotalOrderItemQuantity": 90, "customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 13.906, "customerCurrencyCode": "USD", "quoteNumber": "0026739698", "tiUnitPrice": 15.215, "tiCurrencyCode": "USD", "messages": [{"code": "TI-TXT-051", "type": "INFO", "reason": "Customer anticipated price 13.906 does not match TI unit price 15.215", "message": "customerAnticipatedUnitPrice does not match tiUnitPrice. To avoid delays, update the customerAnticipatedUnitPrice using the Order Change API. Contact TI customer support https://support.ti.com/csm for more information"}, {"code": "TI-TXT-077", "type": "INFO", "reason": "Fulfillment is unavailable for the requestedDeliveryDate.", "message": "Order processing will continue with the TI estimatedDeliveryDate. No additional action is required. For help, contact TI API Support ( https://api-portal.ti.com/support )"}], "schedules": [{"requestedQuantity": 90, "requestedDeliveryDate": "2024-08-10", "confirmations": [{"tiScheduleLineNumber": "0002", "scheduledQuantity": 90, "estimatedShipDate": "2024-08-09", "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-08-16", "estimatedDeliveryDateStatus": "Confirmed", "shippedQuantity": 0}]}]}]}]}
As you can see, the quote number we sent was 26739698. The API made 0026739698 out of it. Before sending a change there was also a quote entered with a 00 at the beginning