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TI-API: TI-API: Need help authenticating to Backlog Sandbox

Part Number: TI-API

Dear Support Team, Can you please tell me the cause of the error?

I executed the API from the following URL, but I received a response with a 401 error.

Servers: - External Pre-Production API Gateway

I am using the ID and secret of the Backlog API, and the shiptoaccountnumber that was notified.

401 Error: Unauthorized

  "fault": {
    "faultstring": "Invalid API call as no apiproduct match found",
    "detail": {
      "errorcode": "keymanagement.service.InvalidAPICallAsNoApiProductMatchFound"
  • Hi Nakayama-san,

    What I see on our side is that you are trying to use your "production"  ID and secret in the environment.  Please re-confirm that you are using your "test" ID and secret.  Thank you.



  • Hi Faye-san

    I have confirmed with the PIC and was able to authenticate successfully using the test ID and secret. Thank you very much.

    Best Regards,


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