Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH1219, LMH1218,
Hi Experts,
Good day. I have this case from client about interfacing with LMH1219 EVM:
"I've a HD/3G test pattern generator feeding to IN0 (single ended) on the LMH1219 EVM, then passing it through out0 on the LMH1219 to In0 on a LMH1218, and finally passing the signal out on out0 (single ended) on the LMH1218 to our video system.
If i just connect the eval boards together differentially, the system does not work (was using 50 ohm rf cables) and i could not see an eye on the eye diagram on the LMH1218evm
If I single end the connection between the two evm's taking both -ve SMAs to ground via 75 ohm resistors, it worked perfectly.
We will design our pcb to accommodate this, but I am curious if I am doing something wrong or missing something, i could not find a setting on the LMH1218 single or differential inputs"
See the attachment they shared below.
Hoping for your assistance.
Thank you.
Archie A.