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TLK2711-SP: how to choose adequate clock ?

Part Number: TLK2711-SP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDC421A156


I would like to choose a reference clock with appropriate jitter.

From the initial requirements of 40 ps jitter peak-to-peak, how can I calculate jitter RMS from 12kHz-20MHz without noise folding ?


  • Random jitter rms needs to measured. You may do so for your oscillator in question via either the scope method or via phase noise measurement and subsequent integration using a spectrum analyzer. Once the sigma RJ value is obtained you would multiply it by the N factor for your desired BER level. Typically, low noise oscillators and frequency synthesizers such as does offered by TI will have RJ spec in the datasheet. See example below.


    Rodrigo Natal

  • Thanks a lot for your answer, I still have some question though.

    On which integration band RJ should be measured ? The value will largerly depend on this integrated band.

    Specially if the XO is direclty connected to the TLK (no filter, no PLL), shall the integration band be 1kHz to XXXX GHz ?

    Plus, the measure of phase noise will be single side band.

    Is the specification of RJ in single side band or double side band ? (folded noise)

    For example, if RJ = 400 fs RMS -> how is it related to phase noise of the reference clock as the integration band is not given ?

    Does it have to be divided by sqrt(2) to get non folded noise ?

    Again, the goal is to choose a clock yet vendors often spec 12k-20MHz without noise folding.



  • In general, when RJ is measured via phase noise analysis we recommend to integrate from the CDR loop bandwidth to the Nyquist (i.e. baud rate/2) in frequency domain. The phase noise measurement is single side band. The random jitter value can also be checked in the time domain by using jitter decomposition via sampling scope measurement. Sampling scopes typically apply a histogram to the signal edge and the observed sigma value is the RJ. I'm not familiar with folder noise, but I don't think it comes into play here.


    Rodrigo Natal

  • You may find the TI application note per the link below to be helpful.

  • Thanks for your answer,

    How can I choose the start frequency of integration if there is no PLL ? CDR loop bandwidth won't be applicable.The rule is to take 1kHz ?

    Then the stop frequency is Fclock /2 or baud rate/2 ? On TLK, maximum baud rate is at 2,5 Gbaud. Stop frequency would be 1,25 GHz ?

    This means the integration band is very very large.

    On TLK datasheet, it is specified : TX Budget = 80 ps peak-to-peak

    Only a portion of the overall allowable transmit jitter is allocated to the reference clock ----->10%

    So reference clock Jitter budget = 8 ps p-p

    Rule of thumb => for modern clock generator, allocate 25% of allowable reference clock jitter to the deterministic and 75% to the random jitter.

    Deterministic jitter = 25% total jitter = 2 ps p-p

    Random jitter = 75% total jitter = 6 ps p-p


    RJ = 6 ps / 14  (because DTD=0,5, BER =10^-12 ) = 0,428 ps RMS

    So I have to choose a clock that presents 428 fs RMS jitter on 1kHz to 1,25 GHz integration band ?

    There must be an error in the calculation.

    Thank you


  • Hi,

    Related to: How can I choose the start frequency of integration if there is no PLL ? CDR loop bandwidth won't be applicable.The rule is to take 1kHz ?

    Then the stop frequency is Fclock /2 or baud rate/2 ? On TLK, maximum baud rate is at 2,5 Gbaud. Stop frequency would be 1,25 GHz ?

    This means the integration band is very very large.

    • You raise a good point. My suggestion is more geared towards CDR based retimer and SerDes devices using the clock reference (which are product types that I personally support as applications engineer). This Fbaud/2 guidance does result in an integration band that is too large for your case where you are validating the oscillator noise level
    • On the phase noise application note that I shared our clocking group recommends the following: "The integration bandwidth for RMS Jitter measurements of the 100 MHz clock is 10 kHz to 20 MHz; for 25 MHz clock measurements the bandwidth is 10 kHz to 5 MHz". I think a stop frequency of 20MHz is more reasonable for your application case

    Your RJ calculation looks correct actually. TI has oscillator and frequency synthesizer part numbers available with this good of a performance. Please do review the TI portfolio of clocks. The part number below, for example, has output Jitter as low as 380 fs RMS integrated between 10 kHz to 20 MHz


    Rodrigo Natal

  • Hi again,

    My last point is that the jitter that comes from the TX Budget calculation must be double side-band ?

    The part number CDC421A156 has a jitter as low as 380 fs RMS between 10kHz to 20 MHz in single side band ?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Oscillator phase noise for TLK applications is typically described as a single sideband (SSB) phase noise. Morover the spectrum analyzer performs SSB phase noise measurement.

