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DS100BR410: Maximum number of SM Bus (I2C) Block Write

Part Number: DS100BR410
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS100MB203,

Hi team,

A customer is considering development by using Repeater DS100BR410 and MuxBuffer DS100MB203.
There is a description that slave management bus interface of both device is compativle to SMBus 2.0.
Repeater has 27 write registers (address 0x00 to 0x1A), and MuxBuffer has 96 write registers (address 0x00 to 0x5F).
Is it possible to use block write to these registers in order to improve write performance instead of using multiple single write?

At least, customer has designed 2 byte write function, and it worked well.

But he is going to design block write function to all registers at once as hardware design.

Then he wants to know whether it is possible to use block write function for all registers at once or not.
 Thank you for your confirmation.

Thanks and regards,

  • Hi Frank,

    I don't think block writes would work well because not all registers/bits are writeable. These devices don't have many registers that need to be written to be operational, so there shouldn't be too many single register writes necessary.



  • Hi Lucas.

    Thank you.

    I've found following sentence in DS100BR410 datasheet. Then I think that block write is applicable to repeater device.

    SMBus Transactions
    The device supports WRITE, Burst WRITE, READ. and Burst READ transactions. See Table 4 for register
    address, type (Read/Write, Read Only), default value and function information.

    But there is no "burst write" description in DS100MB203 datasheet. Then I think that MuxBuffer does not support burst write. SMBus Transactions
    The device supports WRITE and READ transactions. See Table 8 for register address, type (Read/Write, Read
    Only), default value and function information.

    2 byte write is succeeded to MuxBuffer in our lab.
    Then I think as follows.
    - MuxBuffer has same SMBus mechanism with repeater, and block write can applicable to MuxBuffer.
    - But some register is not writable in MuxBuffer write register, then TI does not recommend to use block write.

    Is my understanding correct?



  • Hi Frank,

    Yes you're correct. DS100BR410 allows burst writes because its register map is grouped such that regs 0x0-0x4 are read only and all other registers are R/W. DS100MB203 has read only bits/registers scattered throughout its register map so burst writes are not recommended.

