Customer is looking to add SN65LVDS95DGGR to the AVL, and the device they are using today has 3.3V applied to pin 14 which we label NC. Is it allowed to have pin 14 connected to 3.3V?
Thank you!
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Customer is looking to add SN65LVDS95DGGR to the AVL, and the device they are using today has 3.3V applied to pin 14 which we label NC. Is it allowed to have pin 14 connected to 3.3V?
Thank you!
Hi Will,
My recommendation for this is to stick with the datasheet and do NC on pin 14.
Hi Ben, Can you check the design files to see if that NC pin is connected and what happens if that pin is connect to the NC pin14 pin> Thanks!
Hi Will,
Updated via email. Closing this thread. Pin 14 is NC internally, so connecting to 3.3V for pin to pin compatibility is ok.