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DS30EA101: Compensation capabilities based on different rates

Part Number: DS30EA101
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS30BA101, LMH0394, LMH0302

Hi TIer

Could you help me explain the compensation capabilities based on different rates of DS30EA101?

I just find a value in 3.125Gbps situation. But it must be used with DS30BA101.

Could we use EA101 alone to obtain compensation capability? So what is the compensation capability of this device when using EA101 alone?

In addition, Could you help me see how I should apply for an evaluation board. I can't find it in either the sample library or the ZS order. Thank you.

My email is:

  • Hi Tony,

    DS30EA101 can be used by itself - no need for DS30BA101.

    This part has 50dB gain at 1.5GHz nyquist or 3Gbps data rate. . This means it can compensate for a cable loss of 50dB.

    This is a very mature product and EVM is not available. Please note this part has similar performance as LMH0394. Customer can use LMH0394 EVM if it is applicable.

    Regards, Nasser

  • Could you help me confirm how much dB compensation the DS30EA101 chip can provide at 800Mbps and 1.1Gbps. I only found that 400Mbps and 1.6Gbps can provide 15dB and 40dB respectively. Do we have data or curves to provide?

    Does DS30EA101 have any level amplitude requirements for the input differential signals vidth and vidtl? May not stated in the data sheet.

    My customer wants to test the two chips DS30EA101 and BA. Do you known where I can apply for the EVM board? ZS order?

    Thank you very much.

  • Hi Tony,

    DS30EA101 and BA 101 are the same as LMH0394 and LMH0302. EVM for EA101 and BA101 are available. Please refer customer to LMH0394 and LMH0302 for additional details.
