Hi Lady & Gent, Can you help me to identify about TUSB3410? Can I remove SN75LV4737A if I only use SIN and SOUT for data transfer ? Thanks ! David
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Hi Lady & Gent, Can you help me to identify about TUSB3410? Can I remove SN75LV4737A if I only use SIN and SOUT for data transfer ? Thanks ! David
Dear Elias,
Thank you so much for answer
I know line driver SN75LV4737A can support tanslateion to +15/-15V from 3.3V/0V.
If I only need to use 3.3V to communicate with other device which has only 3.3V level UART, shall I adopt line driver still ? On ther other hand, both of sides are UART device. Please advise. Thanks !.
Best Regards
David Yang
If your communication is going to be always on 0-to-3.3V, you don't need the driver.