I'm looking to AC couple an LVDS signal pair going into the SN65LVDS179. We're running data at 155Mbps. I've seen different approaches for implementing the coupling and terminations. One method was to use 0.1uF or 0.01uF caps in series with the LVDS signals going into the LVDS receiver. A 100 Ohm termination resistor is placed across the pair on the receiver side of the caps. Then the juncture of 10K/10K resistor divider (one end pulled up to Vcc, the other end grounded) is connected to the "B" (negative) input of the receiver. There is no similar divider on the "A" (positive) input. This method is attractive because it uses fewer parts. Will this method work, or is there a preferred method (or one that uses fewer parts and still gives me AC coupling) considering the SN65LVDS179 is used in this application?