could you provide SN65LVCP408 and SN65LVCP418 IBIS model?
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could you provide SN65LVCP408 and SN65LVCP418 IBIS model?
Hi Jeff,
We do not have an IBIS model for the SN65LVCP408 or the SN65LVCP418. We do have an HSPICE model for the SN65LVCP418 though, will this be suitable?
Hi Mike,
could you upload SN65LVCP418 HSICE model? thank you.
Hi Jeff,
I have attached the model.
Please note:
The file "lvcp418_encrypted" is an encrypted netlist of the LVCP418 without the I2C logic. The I2C logic was removed because it often causes convergence problems in HSPICE. Control pins for the equalization, pre-emphasis and highz outputs are included in the netlist. The file "runtop" gives an example of how to run this netlist and how to use the control pins. Comments are also included in "runtop".
3312.lvcp418_encrypted_netlist without_i2c_logic