I currently am using the the TSB12LV32-EP as the Link Layer Controller and the TSB81BA3E as the physical chip for an IEE 1394 connection using a microprocessor. I believe I have both these chips figured out and a general understanding of the IEEE 1394 protocol. However, I do have a few questions.
1) I have read that the TSB81BA3E (PHY) needs to have a clock supplied to it by crystal of speed 49.152 MHz or 98.304 MHz in order to meet IEEE 1394a or 1394b standards. However the TSB12LV32-EP (LLC) says the maximum input clock frequency it can handle is 60 MHz. The clock the PHY receives(of 49 or 98 MHz), is that independent of the clock I give my LLC? Or can I (for testing purposes) give the LLC instructions at any speed? My initial thought was that, no matter what speed you give the LLC, the PHY will use the clock it is given(49 or 98 MHz) and use that clock for data transferring over the port. If someone could confirm this or correct me, that would be very helpful.
2) I do not necessarily need the 1394b speeds of 800 Mb/s but I am wondering if there is a better LLC to use. I just upgraded my PHY chip from the TSB81BA3D and there was some noticeable difference. The LLC is a 2004 model and is the "enhanced product" but there must be a LLC that fully supports 1394b and its speeds.
Please let me know.
Thank you again,
Matthew G