I have 4 pcb boards that all do not communicate on the CAN bus when the SN65HVD1040 driver is setup with the split function on these boards.
The resistance between CAN-H and CAN-l pins on the board with it disconnected and powered down is:
53K Ohms (no terminating resistor - resistance between the two pins)
120 Ohms (with 120 Ohms terminating resistor)
14 Ohms (with two 60.4 Ohms and 10 nF capacitor as the terminating network - this would be the split function)
Other nodes on the CAN bus go into error mode immediately when attempting to communicate, and when the split function node attempts to communicate it does not even generate any differential signals on the bus.
Removing the split function network on the board with no termination removes the problem, also using the 120 Ohms resistor removes the problem. The CAN bus has via other nodes 120 Ohms termination regardless of the offending split function node.
Why the low low termination of the split function, and what could I be doing wrong?