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Is a communication with DS92LV16 (SERDES) and DS15BA101/DS15EA101 without logic on one side possible?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS92LV16, DS15BA101, DS15EA101, DS92LX1622, DS92LX1621, DS92LX2121, DS92LX2122, DS90UB913Q-Q1, DS90UB914Q-Q1


I want to transmit data from a FPGA board to external device board (distance <=15m). On the device board is no programmable logic. So I'm not sure if it's possible want I want to do... Perhaps somebody have some experience. Thanks in advance.

Communication from FPGA to external device:

  1. FPGA sends continues data (e.g. SPI, I2C, ...) to the serializer
  2. DS92LV16 (Serializer part)
  3. DS15BA101 (Buffer)
  4. 15m Ethernet Cat7 cable
  5. DS15EA101 (Cable Equalizer)
  6. DS92LV16 (Deserializer part)
  7. External devices like EEPROM, temperatur sensor,... gets the data

Communication from external device to FPGA:

  1. External devices like EEPROM, temperatur sensor,...
  2. DS92LV16 (Serializer part)
  3. DS15BA101 (Buffer)
  4. 15m Ethernet Cat7 cable
  5. DS15EA101 (Cable Equalizer)
  6. DS92LV16 (Deserializer part)
  7. FPGA

On the board with the external devices I would do following:

  • DS92LV16: Connect ~LOCK to SYNC (to synchronize automatically, when not in phase)
  • DS15EA101: Connect LOS to ~EN (to disable output if there no communication)

Do anybody know if that would be possible?

Thanks for your help,

  • Hi Martin,

    Are you trying to send any other data across this high speed link other than the I2C?

    What other signals do you plan to send over the CAT7 cable?

    If you do need to send high speed data in addition to the I2C control bus you could consider a Channel Link III or FPD-Link III device such as:

    • DS92LX1621, DS92LX1622
    • DS92LX2121, DS92LX2122
    • DS90UB913Q-Q1, DS90UB914Q-Q1

    Transmitting SPI might be easier through the DS92LV16 architecture you proposed, but if I2C is required I would go with a generation III Channel/FPD-Link  solution.

    Note if you do go with a gen III Channel/FPD-Link solution you cannot use the DS15EA101/DS15BA101 devices, because they will interfere with the bi-directional control channel.

    Mike Wolfe


  • Hi Mike,

    thanks for your answer. Sorry for the delay, I was in holiday :)

    Yes, I will transfer more than I2C and SPI, it's also an customer interface with a (currently) max. data rate of 10MHz.

    There are no other signals on the CAT7, but also POWER (+30V, GND, Rx, Tx)

    My target is, that I have only on one side an programmable logic. On the other side my target is...

    1. shortcut the SYNC pin and ~LOCK pin
    2. ...invert ~LOCK to LOCK and connect it to the REN pin

    Do you think this is possible.

    Thanks for your help,
