To whom it may concern
Our customer has question whether SN65LVPE502A/B and SN65LVPE512 are pin compatible device when SN65LVPE512 is used as device side.
Because between SN65LVPE502A/B and SN65LVPE512 changes pin name as following.
Host -> Controller
Device -> Connector
SN65LVPE502A/B datasheet describe pin description as following.
Pins labeled "Host" must be connect to the USB3.0 host side.
Pins labeled "Device" must be connect to the USB3.0 device side.
SN65LVPE512 datasheet describe pin description as following.
Pins labeled "Controller" must connect to the USB3.0 host or device controllr.
Pins labeled "Connector" must connect to the USB3.0 conector.
Since our customer's condition is device side , when "SN65LVPE502A/B" is used
Host : Connector (Micro-B)
Device : USB Controller
Like the above is connected.
But when "SN65LVPE512" is used
Controller : USB Controller
Connector : Connector (Micro-B)
Should like the above be connected?
If the above is correct and SN65LVPE512 is used as device , they think these devices are not compatible.
Is our customer understanding correct?
Your reply is very important for our customer.
I hope your strong support.
Thanks and best regards.