I have question about DS90C363B power supply.
DS90C363B has three power supply pins(Vcc, PLL Vcc, LVDS Vcc).
In customer board, it is generating 3.3V for LCD and 3.3V for other logics separately.
Above Vcc, PLL Vcc pins are supplied from same power source(3.3V for other logics)
and LVDS Vcc pin are supplied from different power source(3.3V for LCD).
But in datasheet of DS90C363B page.9, it said as follow:
it is recommended to have VCC, LVDS VCC and PLL VCC from the same power source with
three separate de-coupling bypass capacitor groups.
Is there any problem if supplying from different power source?
As same power source are recommended, I guess the power entering to
each Vcc, PLL Vcc, and LVDS Vcc will be almost same timing.
But in our board, 3.3V for logics goes up first and then 3.3V for LCD goes up.
So, the 3.3V power enters LVDS Vcc first and then Vcc, PLL Vcc which are not simultaneously.
Does power must enter LVDS Vcc, Vcc, PLL Vcc simultaneously?
In data sheet page.9, it said as follow:
There is no requirement on which VCC entering the device first.
So, I guess it doesn't need to be simultaneously. Is it correct?
best regards,