I want to use the DS92LV0421 in BIST mode as test equipment (TE) to generate PRBS7 data to a Unit Under test (UUT). The data source and sink will be test equipment with the Unit Under Test (UUT) in between.
My configuration will be as follows: DS92LV0421(TE) (BISTEN=1) ---> DS92LV0422 (UUT) (BISTEN=0)--->DS92LV0421(TE) (BISTEN=0) --->DS92LV0422 (TE) (BISTEN=1).
With this configuration there is a PRBS generator (TE) at the start of the link and a PRBS checker (TE) at the end of the link.
Will the PRBS7 data be passed through by the 2 converters in the middle (UUT) with BISTEN set to 0 . The error detector in the converter at the end of the link will be used for BERT.