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SN65hvd234 broken

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65HVD234

Hi team,

My customer is using the SN65HVD234 now and meet the broken problems. When solder off the chip, and test the resistance of the chip. The Vcc to ground resistance isn't infinite large and only 60kohm. Do you know why the chip will be broken like this except the VCC over voltage?

Thank you.



  • Hi Frank,

    If the VCC pin is the only pin that is showing issues, then the most likely cause of damage would be a VCC overvoltage. Measuring the resistance of a power input using an Ohmmeter can sometimes be unreliable, though, since the test voltages used by the meter may partially power the device, giving a lower resistance reading than expected. Could you please submit the units for a failure analysis? That would give a better idea of what exactly in the chip has been damaged, and sometimes by observing this damage we are able to narrow down a more specific root cause.
