Hi Team,
I have some questions about SN65LVCP114 as follows. Would you please verify it as soon as possibe?
1. In the I2C mode, the default value of Reg0x00 is 00h.
When we changed bit7 value to bit '1' from '0' (to GPIO control), does this device be reflected to GPIO configuration as soon as the bit changing from 0 to 1 ? or need to any special sequence to be reflected to GPIO configiraiton?
2. Regarding Reg0x0F default value, the default value is 0x11 on datasheet. But when we read out the register value, the value is 0x01. Is it correct? What is the normal default value for this registesr even though this register value is RSVD. I would like to konw what is difference between 0x11 and 0x01.
Thank you for your support in advance.