I want to create a Power-over data lines (2-wire) using two SN65HVD96EVM.
For that I did the same circuit as the Application Report SLLA336 – January 2013 (figure.5), creating an AC-coupling on the 2-wire bus.
The D signal on the U1 Transceiver have a frequency of 115kHz and the power over data lines is Vcc = 5V.
The result is A and B signals which oscillate between the same DC value because the AC-coupling eliminates the DC component of each.
As a consequence, the R signal OUT of U2 Transceiver is not equivalent to the D signal IN of U1 Transceiver, I observe only the rising edge or falling edge.
The result is it normal or did I do a mistake ?
Is it possible with this circuit to obtain the same R signal OUT as the D signal IN ?
Is it possible to have a power-over-data lines with 2 HVD96 where the R signal OUT is the same as the D signal IN ?
In this Application Report, you also talk-about Trilevel transmitter in AC-coupling system.
What is the utility of Trilevel transmitter ?
Is it possible to have a power-over-data lines with Trilevel transmitter? Can it be a solution to my problem ?
Best regards,