We are using SN75374 for our fan control circuitry. The connections and schematic is shown in attached file (Image-1). The output of SN75734 which is labelled as Fan_pwr_con-1-OUT etc is used in another IC named FDC3601N (Image-2). The FDC3601N has MOSFETs that are used to drive the fans. The voltage limits are already taken care of as per the instructions on the datasheet.
The problem is once we started the operation. The fans ran for about 10-15 minutes and then the fuse of 0.5 amps attached to the 12V supply got burnt. We further debugged and came to know that the SN75734 is getting heated up. We then removed pins of SN75734 that operate on 12V and tried to test the other functionalities of the board. Everything seemed to be working fine. Then we connected the 12V legs again and this time the SN75734 did not get heat up and everything worked perfectly fine.
We need to know why is this happening. Most of our boards are working fine. But if this issue is time dependent we might face problems in the production side after some span of time.