Dear Sir/Madam;
I need your help with something. I am working on a project. we have a Som module with an Intel Atom processor, we have one Hdmi output on this module and one Lvds output. But I need 2 Hdmi outputs in the project. I set up a circuit to return Lvds to Hdmi, but it didn't work. I share your project details and the schematics I have designed below.
SOM Module:
Adlink LEC_BTS_4G -- Intel Atom E3845: This module has one Hdmi and one Lvds and the RGB pins do not support idle.
Carrier Board:
Schematic page 9 is not supported by our SOM.-- Hdmi on page 12 and LVds on page 22 are supported.
Our design we do:
As I mentioned above, I convert from Lvds to RGB with SN75LVDS82 chip and Rgb to Hdmi with SiI9022A chip, but the system did not work. I used the Sil9022A circuit directly from the development board. Please waiting for your solution suggestions.