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DS90C032QML: 5962-9583401Q2A

Genius 5355 points
Part Number: DS90C032QML

Hi Support,

What is the typical value for the differential input threshold? Presumably something like -30mV?


  • I have seen the typical published for the National versions to be -30mv.

    This data was based on when it was originally characterized.  Current material may exhibit different typical values.

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  • Hi Wade,

    Thanks for the feedback, but is that a generic value or specific is that value to 5962-9583401Q2A? We know from a TI application note that this is a typical value and just want to check that 5962-9583401Q2A is similar.



  • This should be representative of this device.  However, I do not have access to and recent characterization data that can substantiate this.

    I know the application note you are referencing.  It is not a good idea to design failsafe based on a typical value.  It must be designed to insure that it will operate correctly across the min/ max range.



  • Hi Wade,

    To confirm, the application note is AN-1194, from 2004.

    It advises that the differential noise margin be calculated as bias point (we are going to 50mV) versus “switch point”, which should be about -25mV.

    What is the concern here? Does the switch point on a specific unit change over time or certain conditions?

    If the concern is chip-to-chip differences, it is okay because we are not mass producing and will test each device. 

    We understand that the internal failsafe depends on this value being negative, so it cannot vary too much surely.


  • Hi Ikon,

    Wade is out for a week.

    The Vid test is a go/no-go test.   We set the Vid to the datasheet limit (with a little bit of guardbanding) and check that the output is in the correct state.   This is done at -55C, +25C and +125C, on a 1000 hour life test performed on each lot and through radiation testing.  However, we do not have data for Vid distribution or shifts over temperature, life or radiation.   It was not viewed as a critical parameter as long as it remained within the datasheet limits.

  • Hi Wade, Kriby,

    The DS90C032QML which shares the same datasheet as the DS90C032QML-SP. In the datasheet, it is stated that the part is SEL immune to 120 MeVcm2/mg. Does it mean that this specification applies to both the parts regardless of the different ordering part numbers?

    If yes, is it the screening that is different between the 2 parts? 

    If yes, please let us know what is the screening options that are different? Or is there a document for this available?


  • Hi Ikon,

    The radiation specifications only apply to the RHA space grade part and does not apply to the military grade products.  The die can be different.


  • Hi Kirby,

    When you say RHA space grade part, which part numbers are you referring to?


  • The space grade products end in the letter V.   DS90C032W-QMLV is a space grade but not radiation hardness assured (RHA).

    DS90C032WLQMLV and DS90C032WGLQMLV are space grade RHA parts.

    If using the SMD number (5962 number), space products can be identified by the V in the SMD number.  The letter after the 5962 indicates the TID radiation level.  If there is a dash, there is not RHA rating.  In this case, 5962L indicates the part is RHA and qualified to 50 krad.