Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS30BA101,
The IBIS model provided on ti.com for this part has a Vdiff parameter of 2.5V. For a device that is capable of picking up signal through a cable path with 50dB attenuation and a source transmitter (DS30BA101) with typical differential output of 800mV into 100ohm twisted pair, that seems like an inaccurate vdiff setting. Hyperlynx modeling of a DS30BA101 to DS30EA101 link with TI's IBIS models doesn't provide functional output from the DS30EA101 even when it has a fairly clean and not very attenuated input signal, as compared to the modeled source signal from the DS30BA101. I found more reasonable operation if Vdiff for the DS30EA101 was changed for instance to 2.5mV (about 50dB attenuation from DS30BA101's 800mV typ Vdiff out). What is the true vdiff voltage for the DS30EA101? Is there any other documentation or validation report available confirming the performance of the rest of this IBIS model?