I'm using the DS90CR288A to deserialize camera link video for a third party processor. I also want to buffer the camera link so it can be simultaneously sent to an external frame grabber.
It's important to note that I can't change anything on the serialization end.
Ideally I would use a fanout buffer to duplicate the (five) LVDS signals. One would go to the deserializer/video processor. The other copy of camera link would got to an external connector. I've haven't been able to find 5 channel fanout buffer for doing this. I'm fairly sure using multiple buffer ICs would introduce too much skew between the camera link pairs.
The other option I am reluctantly considering involves reserializing the video (after the channel link receiver) using the DS90CR287.
I'm looking for a simple, robust fanout solution--but I'm not really finding anything. Any ideas?