I have a L293D that is powered by a LiPo battery/ power boost combination (www.adafruit.com/.../1903). This combination outputs 5v, which is my system's Vcc. Ultimately, I am trying to power a small reduction stepper motor (www.adafruit.com/.../858). Here is my L293D pin out:
Pin 1 and Pin 9: Enabe set high to 5V
Pin 8 and Pin 16: Vcc set to 5V
Pin 4,5,12 and 13: set to ground
Pin 3 (output) connected to motor's yellow channel, Pin 6 (output) connected to motor's blue channel
Pin 11 (output) connected to motor's pink channel, Pin 14 (output) connected to motor's orange channel
Pins 2, 7,10, and 15 are controlled by an Arduino-based micro-controller that uses the stepper function.
The motor is working and it's responding to the commands that I am coding,however, the motor and the chip are overheating.
Please let me know if this is something common with the L293D and whether there is a solution. Please keep in consideration the specs associated with the motor and power boost as I have provided their links ^^
Thank you,