Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCA9554A
hi TI
we are working on a TCA9544A Mux to configure to multiple(3) I2C slaves which is having same address
We developed our own board with this I2C MUX , ch0, ch1, ch2 are used for 3 slaves
How would I select the particular channel to read / write data from slaves
as per the data sheet
command register is INT3, INT2, INT1, INT0, X, B2, B1, B0 , lower byte selects the channel to read/ write data operation
1. As per data sheet 1 0 0 which ch0 active so i can communicate with ch0 ?
start , E8(MUX_ addrs)+R, 0x4 , stop , then 0x29 (Slave_addrs) does this I2c commands communicate to the channel-0 ?