ZC702 Board. I have a script to generate test images for VGA output (hsync, vsync, data, etc). This part works and has been verified on VGA display.
I am trying to use the ZC702 board for an HDMI output for a first step of the project, However some issues with I2C and configuring device. I could provide my I2C Controller and Config files. Also the simulation files if someone is willing to take a look. Really not clear to my why this is not working. I have followed Application note AN-1270 from Analog Devices with the I2C writes.
Some questions Follow:
Why does ZC702 documentation have 9 addresses for an 8 switch device?: I2C Address is 0x74 but there is listed 8 other channels for each other device.
PCA9548 docs have another set of addresses for writing to PCA9548 I2C (Table 1 section 9.6 of documentation, 8 channels 0x70-0x77) In this documentation 0x74 is channel 5.
Should my aknowledge cycle be 1'b1 or 1'bz on the SDA line? I see some conflicting information here.
Is clock stretching OK? as you can see in my snippet there is some delay in the CLK while waiting for acknowledge.
In PCA documentation it states i need to provide Slave Address + Control Register. Is this correct? If I only have a single device on the SDA line, and i send 0000001 or 1111111 would there be effectively any difference. I understand the control register is to access different devices on the I2C channel. If I only have a single device on a channel then enabling all of the devices or one of the devices should not make a difference?