Dear TI experts,
My customer asked about digital isolator which data rate is over 150MHz.
But I think maximum data rate of digital isolator is 100MHz. (in automotive parts.)
Do you have any plan to release digital isolator which data rate is voer 150MHz?
As you know some other suppliers have the parts which fit this specification.
Best regards,
HI Chase,
Thanks for reaching out. Please find my inputs below:
But I think maximum data rate of digital isolator is 100MHz. (in automotive parts.)
I assume you mean to say 100Mbps, the bit rate is mentioned in datasheet. 100MHz translates to 200Mbps, which none of our digital isolators can support.
Do you have any plan to release digital isolator which data rate is voer 150MHz?
Currently we have ISO7241M which supports 150Mbps data rate which can suit your requirement.
Dear Varun,
Thank you for your support.
I checked that ISO7241M is not automotive qualified part. Do you have a plan of release automotive qulified parts which can support 150Mbps data rate?
Best regards,
Hi Jeong,
Yes, the ISO7241M is not automotive qualified, only ISO7241C is.
We currently do not have any other device to offer you for 150Mbps and I hope we may have a device in the future to support you. Please revisit the below link to get upto date information about all isolation devices we offer.
Dear Varun,
Thank you for your support.
Could you expect that when can I get a samples of automotive isolator which can support 150Mbps?
Then I can mark the date on my calendar and ask you later.
Please check this issue. Thanks.
Best regards,
Hi Chase,
As Varun stated, please revisit the below link to get upto date information about all isolation devices we offer. Thanks.
Koteshwar Rao