We are considering adding some optical isolation barrier for some new products. The Analog isolation chips available on the market do not provide
enough isolation for what we need.
As of now, the design options we have are:
1. PWM
2. ADC -> uController +DAC
The PWM option seems like a very good option due its lower cost and complexity. However, we are not sure about the performance. (linearity and bandwidth)
If we were to go one level higher in performance we were thinking of digitizing the signal and reconstructing after the isolation barrier. For that, however,
it seems like we'd have to decide if we''d go with a more granular approach involving ADCs or a more "off the shelf" option with MCUs.
We'd love to have >=1MSPS and 14 to 16 bits digitization. For reconstruction of the waveform, I'd hope to have the same sampling rate and similar resolution.
Could you please comment on the complexities involved in choosing one way or another? Would there be substantial savings either in terms of development time
and/or components depending on which route we'd select?