There are many possible combinations of preamble and sync word lengths but little information about why you would adjust them up or down.
For example, I want to send:
4 bytes preamble, 2 bytes sync, 1 byte address, 6 bytes data for a total of 13 bytes or 104 bits at a data rate of 500kbits/sec. BUT, I'd really like to do it 5 times per second which would require getting rid of one byte. Which byte?
My guess is that given the high duty cycle (nearly 100%) I could eliminate one of the preamble bytes since the CC2500 receive circuit would already be preset from the previous transmission. But that's a guess. Does anyone know?
BTW, this would operate in the ISM band in an area with little other radio and outside both WiFi and Zigbee channels for a few hours a day so the duty cycle is not an issue. And, ideally, the data can not be delayed such as sending 12 bytes every other time.