We have a specific scenario that we would like to ask about with regards to the expected SN74LVC1G240 behavior.
The output (Y) is connected to the gate of an nFET with 1 mega ohm pull-down and 10 uF (actual) capacitance.
Initial state: VCC = 3V, A high (VCC + 0.5V), /OE connected to A (so high), Y low.
Event #1: A goes low (0V). /OE follows A. Y will try to go high.
Question 1: Will SN74LVC1G240 struggle to charge the 10 uF or potentially be harmed by rush-in current?
Event #2: Event 1 has occured, so A and /OE are low (0V) and Y has managed to go high (VCC). Now VCC is pulled to ground, in practise ending up at ~0.6V.
Question 2: The SN74LVC1G240 will no longer drive the output high, but could we expect Y to go high-Z so that there is no backwards leakage (the only leakage being related to the 1 mega ohm resistor and whatever the capacitor and nFET would bring)?