I am using the LSF0204 component to convert 5V logic levels to 1.8V logic levels.
I am driving the VrefB pin with the 5V output of an Arduino Nano board, and the VrefA pin with the 1.8V output of an ADP151-1.8 regulator.
I am using the same 1.8V to drive the enable pin as well.
I noticed that when the LSF0204 is not connected to the ADP151, the 1.8V output is at the correct value.
However, when the LSF0204 is indeed connected, the VrefA pin is set to 2.3V.
Could it be because I only have 200Ohm pull up resistors on the 5V side, and no pull-up resistors on the 1.8V side?
If that is the case, would using the nominal values of 310Ohms for the 5V side, and 97Ohms (or 100Ohms) for the 1.8v side be able to solve this?
Thank you in advance!