Unlike other 74LVCxx products, SN74LVC2T45 current consumption is only is specifified when VI=Vcci or GND but not when Vi=5.5V.
Do you have any information on this subject?
Best Regards.
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Unlike other 74LVCxx products, SN74LVC2T45 current consumption is only is specifified when VI=Vcci or GND but not when Vi=5.5V.
Do you have any information on this subject?
Best Regards.
Hi Sylvain,
Unfortunately, it is not specified as data was not collected.
Note that Vi > Vcci is of no concerns as concern is typically for when Vi < Vcci where VIH/VIL threshold will not be valid for a valid logic level. Hence, the additional current consumption specified as 50 uA. Please see [FAQ] Can the input voltage (Vi) to my logic device be higher than the supply voltage (Vcc)? for more information, thanks.
Best Regards,