What is the max operating frequency of SN54LVTH162244?
How max operating frequency is related to given data rate of 320Mbps?
How to calculate max operating frequency from given propagation delay (in datasheet) and rise time?
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What is the max operating frequency of SN54LVTH162244?
How max operating frequency is related to given data rate of 320Mbps?
How to calculate max operating frequency from given propagation delay (in datasheet) and rise time?
Hi Akash,
320 Mbps is equivalent to a 160 MHz clock (each clock cycle is two bits)
Propagation delay isn't directly related (though an equation) to maximum operating frequency.
The method for finding the maximum operating frequency of a logic device is found in this FAQ:
[FAQ] What is the maximum data rate (or operating frequency) for a logic gate or buffer?