I want to implement a connection between a SENT/SPC sensor (5V-open drain) and an FPGA (CMOS 3V3). The communication is bidirectional with the pin of the FPGA configured as inout. As the sensor output is open drain we need a pull-up resistor to 5V with a fixed value of 1.6K. In the beginning I tried with a txb0106 but the line doesn't respond. TXB0106 actually works only if the line is configured as input and requires a 1k ohm resistor in series with the line otherwise oscillations are present on the line. I moved then to TXS0108 which is more suitable for open drain applications, the line seems to respond now but I still have a problem with oscillations in the line (see picture). I tried also to put 1k resistors in both input and output but the problem still remains. So the question is what would be the correct configuration for my application and which voltage translator should I pick?