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TMS320F28379D-Q1: ROV failed to start

Part Number: TMS320F28379D-Q1


I am using SYS/BIOS 6.83, XDC 3.62. During the execution of the program, I selected the Runtime Object View and clicked on connect, and got the following error:

Error: Failed to start ROV using 'comm=DSLite ,wsPort=61662':InternalError: Can't find method xdc.rta.Formatter.setOFReader(org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined). (D:/Tools/ccs_installed/ti/ccs1030/xdctools_3_62_00_08_core/packages/xdc/rov/Model.xs#315

I can see that ROV classic works fine in the same project. 

What might be the problem?

