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TMS320F280025C: SysConfig: Embedded CLI parameters not working

Part Number: TMS320F280025C
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE, SYSCONFIG


I am using CSS as well as C2000Ware

I integrated a SysConfig into my project. In the SysConfig view I specified the appropriate device, package and part. E.g.:

 * These arguments were used when this file was generated. They will be automatically applied on subsequent loads
 * via the GUI or CLI. Run CLI with '--help' for additional information on how to override these arguments.
 * @cliArgs --device "F28002x" --package "80QFP" --part "F28002x_80QFP" --product "C2000WARE@"
 * @versions {"tool":"1.11.0+2225"}

 * Import the modules used in this configuration.
const can   = scripting.addModule("/driverlib/can.js", {}, false);
const can1  = can.addInstance();
const gpio  = scripting.addModule("/driverlib/gpio.js", {}, false);
const gpio1 = gpio.addInstance();

 * Write custom configuration values to the imported modules.
can1.$name                 = "CAN1";
can1.msgObjsUsed           = [1];
can1.can.$assign           = "CANA";
can1.can.can_rxPin.$assign = "ball.38";
can1.can.can_txPin.$assign = "ball.49";
can1.msgObj1.$name         = "msgObj0";
can1.msgObj1.msgID         = 123;
can1.msgObj1.flags         = ["CAN_MSG_OBJ_RX_INT_ENABLE","CAN_MSG_OBJ_USE_ID_FILTER"];

gpio1.direction         = "GPIO_DIR_MODE_OUT";
gpio1.qualMode          = "GPIO_QUAL_ASYNC";
gpio1.writeInitialValue = true;
gpio1.$name             = "CAN1_SILENTMODE";
gpio1.gpioPin.$assign   = "ball.3";

As generated by CSS/Sysconfig, default parameters are inserted into the syscfg-file: @cliArgs --device "F28002x" --package "80QFP" --part "F28002x_80QFP" --product "C2000WARE@"

However, these parameters seem to be ignored when calling the SysConfig generation (ignored as ignored in generation, I do not expect them to show up in the CLI call):

Building file: "../LAUNCHXL-F280025C.syscfg"
Invoking: SysConfig
"C:/ti/ccs1110/ccs/utils/sysconfig_1.11.0/sysconfig_cli.bat" -s "C:/ti/C2000Ware_4_00_00_00/.metadata/sdk.json" -d "F28002x" --script "C:/_repos/arculus/sw/03_SW_Component/arculus_bms/LAUNCHXL-F280025C.syscfg" -o "syscfg" --compiler ccs
Running script... recipe for target 'build-2008392257' failed
Error: cannot set '$assign' to 'ball.38': No option named ball.38 defined, valid options are

Of course, I could specify the command line parameters in the build config of my project, however this would be redundant.

Is this a bug or am I doing/expecting something wrong?


  • Hi Andreas,

    I am a bit confused on what your issue is. Are you referring as to why there seems to be a mismatch in the C2000ware version in the CLI args (C2000WARE@ vs C2000WARE@ 

    This does not seem to be a huge issue, the console output confirms you are using the most updated C2000ware version. I myself have seen this a few times working on different projects, so I'm not sure what exactly the culprit is. There are many projects where it shows but occasionally I do get on my projects. Nonetheless, this does not affect the version that the project is using, so that should not be a worry.

    If instead you are referring to a different issue, please let me know.



  • Hi Peter.

    No, the C2000Ware version is not the problem.

    The generation process of SysConfig fails: Error: cannot set '$assign' to 'ball.38': No option named ball.38 defined, valid options are

    However, when configuring explicitly --package 80QFP --part F28002x_80QFP via the SysConfig properties, it works:

    Because then the CLI is called with explicit arguments. In this case the generation is done with the right package and part.

    "C:/ti/ccs1110/ccs/utils/sysconfig_1.11.0/sysconfig_cli.bat" -s "C:/ti/C2000Ware_4_00_00_00/.metadata/sdk.json" -d "F28002x" --script "C:/_repos/arculus/sw/03_SW_Component/arculus_bms/LAUNCHXL-F280025C.syscfg" -o "syscfg" --package 80QFP --part F28002x_80QFP --compiler ccs
    Running script...
    Generating Code (LAUNCHXL-F280025C.syscfg)...
    Finished building: "../LAUNCHXL-F280025C.syscfg"

    I dont't want to define this explicitly in the build config since this information would be redundant: it is already stored in the SysConfig.

    I argue that this should also be not needed since the CLI states:

    "C:/ti/ccs1110/ccs/utils/sysconfig_1.11.0/sysconfig_cli.bat" --help
    Note that the all arguments other than '--help' and '--version' may also be
     specified via the script with an embedded @cliArgs comment directive.
     E.g. // @cliArgs -d MSP432P401R
     If an argument is embedded in a script and explicitly specified via the CLI
     then precedence is given to the CLI arguments. Additionally, specifying
     "--board" or "--device" on the CLI will override any "--board" and "--device"
      arguments specified in the script.

    I would except the @cliArgs to be used in generation. Is this now more clear?


  • Hi Andreas,

    Thank you for the clarification. While it does seem redundant to have to specify this information in both the syscfg file and the build config, that is typically how it is done. Refer to the following FAQ which specifies putting the package and part information into the build configuration:

    It does look like there is potentially a bug with the CLI argument generation within the syscfg file. Let me reach out for more information on this. In the meantime, it looks like your project can compile with the package and part information specified in the build config, so that would be the preferred method for now. 



  • As long as you pass -device, it will assume you are passing everything in and it doesn't look at parameters.

    Same with project properties. Remove the device and package info from the project properties and it will then look at the parameters in the file.

  • As long as you pass -device, it will assume you are passing everything in and it doesn't look at parameters.

    Same with project properties. Remove the device and package info from the project properties and it will then look at the parameters in the file.

    Thank you Nima, this works.

    In a way, this is already documented:

    Additionally, specifying "--board" or "--device" on the CLI will override any "--board" and "--device" arguments specified in the script.

    However, I would like to see the help output being updated to also mention the overwrite of the --part  and --package.