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Hello all,
I have the problem that I wanted to change a program from debug in ram to debug in flash. But when I changed the command linker file, all the symbols (ADC, EPWM etc.) could not be resolved (error #10263).
I tested the same with the example from ControlSuite (Ram_management) on which the program is based. There the same problem occurs.
Can anyone help me identify the actual problem, since the cmd file actually has nothing to do with the symbols. The symbols should actually be defined via the imported headers in the "F28x_Project.h", which has not changed.
best regards
Can you use latest C2000Ware SDK example? controlSUITE is not maintained anymore.
Import any example from C2000Ware, and try for CPU1_RAM build. configuration first. Then switch to CPU1_FLASH build configuration.
Let us know if you still see the issue in C2000Ware SDK example.
Hello Santosh,
first when I build in CCS11 from C2000Ware (latest version) the example ram_ex1_managemant_cpu1 I get 15 warnings. If I then change the linker cmd file to 2837x_flash_ink_cpu1, I first get the error that some areas are defined twice. If I then remove the cmd file stored in the project, the compiler does not find the split ram areas anymore, because they are not defined in the cmd. Unfortunately I can't find an equivalent shared ram cmd for the flash.
Best regards
Hi Leon,
I just imported the project and built for CPU1_RAM_DEBUG and CPU1_FLASH_DEBUG build configuration and I do not see any warning in any of the two configurations.
What is the warning you are seeing? Can you post it the warning?
Also, you should change the build configuration (right-click project, Build Configurations -> Set Active -> CPU1_FLASH_DEBUG), then it will automatically include flash linker command.
Hallo Santosh,
die Warnings bei RAM-Debug sind:
Wenn ich versuche das zu Ändern habe ich keine Auswahlmöglichkeiten:
Best regards
Hi Leon,
Which project you are trying to import? Can you put the full path of the project? Also, can you send full build log in the console?
I was trying :
Ok the program has only the warning that the program was written for another compiler. I had previously tested the example from the Online Resource Explorer.
Well the Ram_Managment program works. Is there now a way to write the dma_transfer_shared peripheral program into the flash as stand alone?
We do not have flash configuration for dma_transfer_shared_peripheral_cpu01 project. You can add Flash configuration yourself using RAM_management_cpu01 project as reference.
Otherwise, there is a DriverLib based example which has flash configuration. You can use that if that works for you.
Thank you very much. It worked.
Only the program is not executed after a restart of the system.
I selected the build flash option and set both pins 72 and 84 to high.
Did I forget something else?
Did you build and flashed CPU2 also?
There is IPC handshake happens before program can proceed.
Yes I have also flashed the CPU2. During the debugging everything works. But if I then reboot the system and do not flash the program again it does not work.
Can you add following lines in cpu1 c file and try again? I have not tried myself though.
// // Initialize device clock and peripherals // Example_deviceInit(); #ifdef _FLASH // // Send boot command to allow the CPU2 application to begin execution // Device_bootCPU2(C1C2_BROM_BOOTMODE_BOOT_FROM_FLASH); #endif // // Initialize GPIO and configure the GPIOs 0 and 1 as ePWM outputs // Device_initGPIO();