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I am referring to the example at Location; C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_4_02_00_00\device_support\f2806x\examples\c28\hrcap_capture_hrpwm; Example_2806xHRCap_Capture_HRPwm.c
EPWM is having 400 as a Period with SYSCLK as 60 MHz, meaning ePWM will generate a signal with a period of 6.67 Microseconds.
When I check the expression 'pulsewidthhigh' value in CCS for the same example I get the value as '17582918' which is in Q16 format, and I convert the same to uint16 and get the value as 4292. which is in the number of HCCAPCLK cycles and I convert it to seconds ( HCCAPCLK Frequency is 120 MHz in the example ), I get the High Pulse Width value as 35.76 Microseconds.
Since the duty cycle is 50 in the example , meaning Period according to CCS should be 71.52 Micro seconds which is different from the period value generated by ePWM (6.67 Micro seconds )
Am I doing the wrong calculation?
Hi Siddharth,
Thank you for picking up the query, waiting for the response.
Hi Siddharth,
Thank you for picking up the query, waiting for the response.
Hi Aditya,
For F28069, your epwm is clocked by TBCLK which in this case is SYSCLKOUT = 90Mhz. Since the TBPRD in the example is 400.
We get a period ~= 4 us half of this, is ~= 2us.
The HRCAP is clocked by PLL2CLK, and HCCAPCLK = 120 MHz
// In this example:
// PLL2 = INTOSC1 (10 Mhz) * 12 / 2 = 120 MHz
// In general, for more accuracy, source PLL2 with a crystal or
// external clock source.
The high pulses are stored in Q16 format: int + fraction so we have: 17582918 (unsigned 32 bit) , or 0x010C4B46 as hex.
The upper 16 bits contain the integer and the lower 16 bit contains the fraction denoted by the comments in the example.
//! - pulsewidthhigh
//! - Pulse Width of High Pulses (# of HCCAPCLK cycles - int + frac)
//! in Q16 format (i.e. upper 16-bits integer, lower 16-bits fraction)
Our integer we get from the above value you posted is 0x010C = 268 (decimal)
Converting this decimal to find out our pulse width period can be done by this
268 * (1 / (120 * 10^6)) = ~= 2 us
And this is what we expect for the duty cycle to be 50%.