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Dear champs,
I am asking this for our customer.
The user can use TI C200ware CLA example and stop in __mdebugstop() by connecting to CLA and load symbol for CLA.
interrupt void Cla1Task1()
I was writing another CLA example and they can also stop in __mdebugstop().
So I am sure they know how to debug CLA well.
But after they added their codes on C28 and CLA on my CLA example, they found they cannot debug CLA by stopping it in __mdebugstop().
However, they confirm that their CLA can run correctly without CCS in standalone mode by toggling GPIO in CLA tasks and also the CLA task for control is correct.
They don't use any RTOS.
Therefore, we are confused why CLA __mdebugstop() cannot stop by CCS after user's codes are integrated.
Do you have any idea for us to solve this?
Wayne Huang
Wayne, This sounds very strange. I'm not sure why this would happen. I've seen cases where adding code made it so the CLA task would not run at all. This is usually related to the initialization of the device being incorrect or in the incorrect order - for example
It would be interesting to understand what type of code they added?