Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE
Hello support,
we have integrated new C2000 Ware package into our project based on DSP 28P65.
We think we have found some issues that we submit to you:
1. file \libraries\flash_api\f28p65x\include\FlashAPI\Types.h: enum Fapi_FlashBankType contains only Fapi_FlashBank0, while in our opinion also Fapi_FlashBank1 and Fapi_FlashBank2 should be defined.
Could you confirm ?
2. file \driverlib\f28p65x\driverlib\inc\hw_emif.h: we think that definitions related to register offset are not aligned to the official TRM. Could you confirm ?
3. file \device_support\f28p65x\common\include\f28p65x_ipc_defines.h: we have found inconsistency between the field PUMPREQUEST used in macros SeizeFlashPump() and ReleaseFlashPump()
and the definition of structure CPU1TOCPU2_IPC_REGS_CPU1VIEW (file f28p65x_ipc.h) that contain field FLASHCTLSEM instead of PUMPREQUEST.
Could you confirm ?