Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG, C2000WARE-MOTORCONTROL-SDK, C2000WARE
What is the TI recommendation to read the 3 digital Hall sensor output of BLDC motor?
The scenario is:
When any one hall sensor (ex. Hall sensor 1) gives rising edge (or logic 1) that time (In ISR probably) i have to observe the other Two hall sensors logic levels (Hall sensor 2 and Hall sensor 3) to determine the position of the ROTOR.
So, to achieve this scenario kindly suggest what is the best approach recommended by TI? and which microcontroller module i can use to achieve this above observation pattern for digital hall sensor outputs?
If you suggest eCAP module then, kindly give how and what i have to configure to implement this observation pattern? how can i read 3 hall sensors at a time when one hall sensor gives rising edge?
Kindly, At the end kindly provide good example projects (Sysconfig) for BLDC control with digital hall sensors outputs.