Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSHSECDOCK, SFRA, UNIFLASH, TMS320F28379D, C2000WARE
Hi, TI,
I am using TMDSCNCD28379D.
It was working okay with TMDSHSECDOCK.
But I can not download the program in my board.
My board support 3.3V and 5V properly.
I am not sure what is the problem.
5V and 3.3V are from the other part of the circuit.
and the blue circuit area is where I have populated.
And there is no other connection.
====circuit ===
===Control card setting ===
1. A:SW1 on the control card must be set on both ends to ON (up) position to enable JTAG connection to the device and the UART connection for SFRA GUI. If this switch is OFF (down), one cannot use the isolated JTAG built in on the control card nor can SFRA GUI communicate to the device.
2. A:J1 is the connector for the USB cable that is used to communicate to the device from a host PC on which Code Composer Studio (CCS) runs.
3. A 3.3-V reference is desired for the control loop tuning on this design; therefore, set the appropriate jumpers to provide a 3.3-V reference externally to the on-chip ADC. For version 1.3 of the F28379D control card, this means SW3 and SW2 are moved to the end with "." that is, to the left, which puts 3.3-V VDDA as the reference for the ADC. Refer to the information sheet for more information.
4. On Jumper connector J3, connect together pin 2 and pin 3 by using a jumper.
====Error message ====
Error in build step #3 (Make): Make process exited with code 2:
copy /Y "F:\1. 2023\5. PLECS\tsp_ti_c2000\templates\uniflash\ControlCard_TMS320F28379D.ccxml" ".\output_TI2837xS_cpu1\MSU.ccxml"
1 Ǿ ϴ .
"C:/ti/uniflash_8.2.0/dslite.bat" --flash --config=.\output_TI2837xS_cpu1\MSU.ccxml .\output_TI2837xS_cpu1\MSU.out -u
Executing the following command:
> "C:\ti\uniflash_8.2.0\deskdb\content\TICloudAgent\win\ccs_base\DebugServer\bin\DSLite" flash --flash --config=.\output_TI2837xS_cpu1\MSU.ccxml .\output_TI2837xS_cpu1\MSU.out -u
For more details and examples, please refer to the UniFlash Quick Start guide.
fatal: IcePick_C_0: Error connecting to the target: (Error -2131 @ 0x0) Unable to access device register. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package
MSU.mk:157: recipe for target 'download' failed
Failed: Operation was aborted
make: *** [download] Error 1