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TMDSCNCD280025C: Displaying variables using SCI

Part Number: TMDSCNCD280025C


I wanted to implement basic uart.
This is the program that I've written. I'm stuck on how to display the values of different variables by using %d, %s etc.
In the program below, I've printed a basic string.

// Included Files
#include "driverlib.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"

// Globals
uint16_t loopCount;
uint16_t errorCount;

// Function Prototypes
void error();
void uart(char[],int);

// Main
void main(void)
char send[256] = "Hello Everyone!\n";

// Initialize device clock and peripherals

// Setup GPIO by disabling pin locks and enabling pullups

// Initialize PIE and clear PIE registers. Disables CPU interrupts.

// Initialize the PIE vector table with pointers to the shell Interrupt
// Service Routines (ISR).

// Board Initialization

// Enables CPU interrupts

// Send a character starting with 0
//sendChar = 0;

// Send Characters forever starting with 0x00 and going through 0xFF.
// After sending each, check the receive buffer for the cSCIorrect value.


void uart(char name[],int a)

uint16_t sendChar;
uint16_t receivedChar;
uint8_t i;
char each;

for( i = 0; i<a; i++)
each = name[i];
sendChar = (uint16_t)each;

SCI_writeCharNonBlocking(mySCI0_BASE, sendChar);

// Wait for RRDY/RXFFST = 1 for 1 data available in FIFO
while(SCI_getRxFIFOStatus(mySCI0_BASE) == SCI_FIFO_RX0)

// Check received character
receivedChar = SCI_readCharBlockingFIFO(mySCI0_BASE);

// Received character not correct
if(receivedChar != sendChar)
asm(" ESTOP0"); // Uncomment to stop the test here
for (;;);

// End of file


  • Hi,

    You don't need to use %d, %s in the SCI configuration. Every number is treated as a character which you can send the way you're using to send the 'Hello Everyone!' characters. Do you face any difficulty in doing so?


  • Thank you for responding. Let's suppose there is an integer variable count.

    uint16_t count=10;

    How should the character array send[] be defined such that the output is "The value of count is 10". I'm sending this array to the function 'uart'.

  • Hi Pranoti,

    You can count the number of data values to be sent and accordingly send the data as mentioned in the code snippet below:

        msg = "\r\n\n\nHello World!\0";
        SCI_writeCharArray(SCIA_BASE, (uint16_t*)msg, 17);

    On your query regarding sending the number, you can checkout the example - sci_ex3_echoback

    The numbers are also treated in the same way as characters.

