Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDXIDDK379D, C2000WARE
I'm using the launch-xl f28p65x board with a DRV8323H. My goal is to control a BLDC motor with QEP position encoder using the fcl example.
I have noticed the following example: "C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_MotorControl_SDK_5_01_00_00\solutions\tmdxiddk379d\f28p65x\ccs\sensored_foc".
This example is for a different board and I'm having a hard time doing the migration.
although I succeed running the epwm simple examples and measuring the desired pwm using an oscilloscope, when I try using the example above with BUILDLEVEL being FCL_LEVEL1
I can't get the epwm 1-3 to work (GPIOs 0-5). EPWM5 seems to be working fine (GPIOs 8-9)
the only change I did to the code is setting the enableflag to true. what else should I do? any advice would be much appreciated.