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TMS320F28027: flash

Part Number: TMS320F28027
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH

Hello, I used it
Proj_lab10a / 2802 x0_flashapi_bootromsymbols_v2. 01. Lib
This flash library, found the first power on the normal storage failure, can also be stored several times, but after the storage failure, it is found that the re-powered chip seems to die, which is why,
Initial see as follows: Is to change what configuration /, are the official code.

void InitFlash(void)
    // Enable Flash Pipeline mode to improve performance of code executed from
    // Flash.
    FlashRegs.FOPT.bit.ENPIPE = 1;

    //                CAUTION
    // Minimum waitstates required for the flash operating
    // at a given CPU rate must be characterized by TI.
    // Refer to the datasheet for the latest information.
    #if (CPU_FRQ_60MHZ)
    // Set the Paged Waitstate for the Flash
    FlashRegs.FBANKWAIT.bit.PAGEWAIT = 2;

    // Set the Random Waitstate for the Flash
    FlashRegs.FBANKWAIT.bit.RANDWAIT = 2;

    // Set the Waitstate for the OTP
    FlashRegs.FOTPWAIT.bit.OTPWAIT = 2;

    #elif (CPU_FRQ_40MHZ)
    // Set the Paged Waitstate for the Flash
    FlashRegs.FBANKWAIT.bit.PAGEWAIT = 1;

    // Set the Random Waitstate for the Flash
    FlashRegs.FBANKWAIT.bit.RANDWAIT = 1;

    // Set the Waitstate for the OTP
    FlashRegs.FOTPWAIT.bit.OTPWAIT = 1;
    FlashRegs.FSTDBYWAIT.bit.STDBYWAIT = 0x01FF;
    FlashRegs.FACTIVEWAIT.bit.ACTIVEWAIT = 0x01FF;

    // Force a pipeline flush to ensure that the write to the last register 
    // configured occurs before returning.
    asm(" RPT #7 || NOP");

void  usermain_flash( void )

 To use the Flash API, the following steps
 must be followed:

      1. Modify Flash2802x_API_Config.h for your targets operating
      2. Include Flash2802x_API_Library.h in the application.
      3. Add the approparite Flash API library to the project.

  The user's code is responsible for the following:

      4. Initalize the PLL to the proper CPU operating frequency.
      5. If required, copy the flash API functions into on-chip zero waitstate
      6. Initalize the Flash_CPUScaleFactor variable to SCALE_FACTOR
      7. Initalize the callback function pointer or set it to NULL
      8. Optional: Run the Toggle test to confirm proper frequency configuration
         of the API.
      9. Optional: Unlock the CSM.
     10. Make sure the PLL is not running in limp mode
     11. Call the API functions: Flash_Erase(), Flash_Program(), Flash_Verify()

  The API functions will:

       Disable the watchdog
       Check the device PARTID.
       Disable interrupts during time critical code.
       Perform the desired operation and return status

   Uint16 Status;
 Initalize the PLLCR value before calling any of the F2802x Flash API

     Check to see if the PLL needs to changed
     PLLCR_VALUE is defined in Example_Flash2802x_API.h
     1) Make sure PLL is not in limp mode
     2) Disable missing clock detect logic
     3) Make the change
     4) Wait for the DSP to switch to the PLL clock
        This wait is performed to ensure that the flash API functions
        will be executed at the correct frequency.
     5) While waiting, feed the watchdog so it will not reset.
     6) Re-enable the missing clock detect logic

// Step 1. Initialize System Control:
// PLL, WatchDog, enable Peripheral Clocks
// This example function is found in the DSP2802x_SysCtrl.c file.

 Unlock the CSM.
    If the API functions are going to run in unsecured RAM
    then the CSM must be unlocked in order for the flash
    API functions to access the flash.

    If the flash API functions are executed from secure memory
    (L0-L3) then this step is not required.

   Status = Example_CsmUnlock();
   if(Status != STATUS_SUCCESS)

    Copy API Functions into SARAM

    The flash API functions MUST be run out of internal
    zero-waitstate SARAM memory.  This is required for
    the algos to execute at the proper CPU frequency.
    If the algos are already in SARAM then this step
    can be skipped.
    DO NOT run the algos from Flash
    DO NOT run the algos from external memory

// If the build links in the 2802x_FlashAPI_BootROMSymbols.lib, then
// The API is in boot ROM and we do not need to copy it from flash.
// If the build links in the software API library:
// i.e. Flash2802x_API_<version>.lib
// then we need to copy the flash API from the flash memory to RAM.

#if (BOOT_ROM_API == 0)
  // Example_MemCopy(&Flash28_API_LoadStart, &Flash28_API_LoadEnd, &Flash28_API_RunStart);

    // We must also copy required user interface functions to RAM.
   //  Example_MemCopy(&RamfuncsLoadStart, &RamfuncsLoadEnd, &RamfuncsRunStart);

  Initalize Flash_CPUScaleFactor.

   Flash_CPUScaleFactor is a 32-bit global variable that the flash
   API functions use to scale software delays. This scale factor
   must be initalized to SCALE_FACTOR by the user's code prior
   to calling any of the Flash API functions. This initalization
   is VITAL to the proper operation of the flash API functions.

   SCALE_FACTOR is defined in Example_Flash2802x_API.h as
     #define SCALE_FACTOR  1048576.0L*( (200L/CPU_RATE) )

   This value is calculated during the compile based on the CPU
   rate, in nanoseconds, at which the algorithums will be run.

   Flash_CPUScaleFactor = SCALE_FACTOR;

  Initalize Flash_CallbackPtr.

   Flash_CallbackPtr is a pointer to a function.  The API uses
   this pointer to invoke a callback function during the API operations.
   If this function is not going to be used, set the pointer to NULL
   NULL is defined in <stdio.h>.

   Flash_CallbackPtr = &MyCallbackFunction;

   MyCallbackCounter = 0; // Increment this counter in the callback function

   // Jump to SARAM and call the Flash API functions
 //  Example_CallFlashAPI();


  • Hello Zhou,

    Your issue is not clearly explained, please provide detail that is more clearly worded.

    This flash library, found the first power on the normal storage failure, can also be stored several times, but after the storage failure, it is found that the re-powered chip seems to die, which is why,

    I don't understand your wording here, are you saying that when you turn on the device there is some error or Flash issue? Can you show a screenshot of the message you receive? What do you mean by the chip seems to die?

  • Hello, after storing information in sector A, I tried to power it on again, but the main chip stopped working properly. It seems to be stuck in a certain section of the program, and I began to suspect that the data in sector A was causing the initial replacement to fail. However, I only erased sector A through Uniflash, and the chip cannot function again,
    What impact will FLAH have on storing data

  • Hello Zhou,

    I tried to power it on again

    I assume you mean you power cycled the device (i.e. turned it off and then on). What section of the program is the application getting stuck in?

    Keep in mind that while Flash is nonvolatile (i.e. it persists after powered off), RAM is not. Anything which is executing/stored on RAM which is required for the application will be erased if the device is power cycled. You will need to make sure nothing critical is being stored on RAM that the program in Flash is relying on.

    What impact will FLAH have on storing data

    Besides being able to persist through power cycling, the read/write accesses for Flash require wait states.